Thursday, 9 July 2009

Angels, Destiny and Confusion

The angel motif in the sidebar is an extract from a painting by Raphael in 1513. It is in a Dresden art gallery and it's patronage is unclear although it is likely it was intended to decorate the tomb of Pope Julius II and, understandably, the primary figures of Mary, the infant Jesus and the two saints- Sixtus and Barbara- are suitably solemn.

At the bottom of the painting are however two much more interesting characters. Two cherubs: are they feeling mischievous? and one is shown. Is the cherub feeling mischievous or simply bored at the solemnity above? Is it a deliberate introduction of levity, or a celebration of childlikeness in the face of mourning? Is it an Illuminati political statement? Or did Raphael just like to paint angels?

We will never know.